Follistatin Mini-Pig Project
Lay Abstract
Test period:
Six Months
Dr. Peter Jones, University of Nevada Reno
Lay abstract
Over the years FSHD Canada has supported the development of Dr. Jones’ FSHD mini-pigs.
Well – they are finally ready. And this is the first project on the table to put those little pigs to good use.
At a recent FSHD Muscle Regen meeting, one of the leading muscle scientists – Dr. Lee Sweeney (University of Florida) – said that if he had FSHD he would take Follistatin. He has already tried it on FSHD mice – and it works.
So – Dr. Jones and Dr. Sweeney have pulled together a project to test Follistatin on the FSHD mini-pigs.
They have come up with a test program that is very clever. It uses a virus to deliver the Follistatin to the mini-pigs. At the same time, they can turn FSHD “ON and OFF” in the mini-pigs. So, they can simulate how Follistatin will work with and without a therapy to stop FSHD.